Emma Stoddart - Authentic leadership through trust & empathy

Emma also shares her very private story of how she manages with ME and how to overcome health challenges by being brave and changing your priorities to be true to yourself.
From joining an accountancy practice at 18 and starting training from A-Levels, Emma went on to achieve a much-desired Partnership at a top 5 Accountancy practice, to then leave to focus on health and then pursue a role as a CFO in industry. Emma also talks about her appointment to the Board of Professional Liverpool and Advisory Board Member at University of Liverpool Management School and how these positions share insights, both ways, into the wider business community and connecting theory with practice.
Defining your culture is a little like defining the X Factor and Emma shares how to get your culture right, you have to align your values and direction from the leadership team down. Making informed decisions by reaching out and being open to advice through good communication and surrounding yourself with great people is essential!